Passive House Days

The weekend of November 12th was Passive House Days, and once again we opened our home for people to explore and ask questions.  With over 60 people attending we had a great agenda lined up and went as follows:


  • Introduction & Passive House Crash Course with TE Studio. We saw many new faces this year and Tim Eian took advantage of that by spending a good amount of time providing information about the performance of our home over the past two years as we tracked gas and electrical usage since day one.  At this point we are happy to continue reporting as-expected results of about 1/3 of total usage of utilities compared to a home in same climate and size.


  • Passive House Building Envelope Construction with RJ Stegora Construction.  As always we did have a few builders attend the presentations, comparing and contrasting their projects currently in the works with our home.  It was great to see a cutout of the walls that Ryan put together to help with visualizing what is behind our walls. 
  • Passive House Mechanical System with TE Studio and Zehnder Ventilation Systems. New to the tour this year was a rep from Zehnder Systems.  He took the time to explain the process of installing and the inner-workings of our Comfoair 350.  It was a testament to the air exchange system that at the end of the day the air was fresh in the house even with the large number of guests visting for the day.


  • Passive House Windows with Tanner Windows and Doors.  The demo included a few different models of windows available in the market and a cross section of each to explain in-depth detail of how they preform.


  • Interior finishes, fixtures and appliances with InUnison Design.  We concluded with a unique look on the process of researching and choosing green interior materials and finishes.  I especially found interesting how far ahead industrial use of green materials is for interior/exterior finishes, and how one would benefit from looking to commercial suppliers as well, not only for solutions but wider options available.

That does it for 2016!  We look forward to a happy holiday season and will be bringing more product evaluations and sharing new performance statistics in the coming year.